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Saturday, June 16, 2007

Understandably idiotic

Before I come to the subject of this post, I want to pose a very common and irritating question everyone faces regularly and which i will attempt to answer through this post. The question is
" I am bored. How do i get rid of this boredom?" Ok.. its not exactly a conventional question because it has a statement in it too, but anyway... u know wat i mean.. The answer to this question is as complex and as irritating as the question itself. But I'll try to give an answer free of complexities and try not to irritate u (much).
You must be wondering y i named this blog as "understandably idiotic". I will give u a historical example to explain it. Thousands or a million years ago, a caveman said " Urgg nog fem ish grrr.." to other cavemen. That was a very scintillating statement as it must have been the very first attempt by man for trying to have a meaningful conversation. But unfortunately, the other cavemen might not have understood what that guy said then(and also must have probably clubbed him on the head for making weird sounds). But slowly language did develop out of nothing... ok, wait... this wasn't really the example i was lookin for to explain wat i meant by "understandably idiotic". Lemme put it this way...
Have u ever had this feeling that sometimes, when ur alone and u think of something or get some ideas which sound great in ur head but when u try to explain it to others, it sounds dumb, or even idiotic? Try as u might...u wont be able to describe what u have in ur mind the exact same way to others. And then u keep thinkin about it until u get a headache or somethin. got it? or did U get a headache or somethin? anyway, thats wat "understandably idiotic" is all about. They are thoughts of mine which may sound idiotic or dumb at first but are kinda understandable once u really think deeply about it.
So back to the question regarding boredom. how does all this really answer the all important question? well... i guess u spent abt 2-5 mins reading this for 5 mins, u got rid of boredom. U can read it again if u want another 5 mins of freedom from boredom. Yea..i know its a really weak answer but if u've got better answers for eradicating boredom, lemme know...

P.S:- If u think u understand wat understandably idiotic means...plz do comment ur views abt it. It will be really relieving for me to know that there is someone who feels this 'phenomenon' is true. And if u think i'm crazy and i wasted 5 mins of ur life for least its better than gettin bored doin nuthin... cheers!!