1. The title of the post is brilliant ( I think it is, if u don't get it, I recommend you to read the earlier posts. Of course, u might need to have some idea about engineering and marketing to get it... )
2. I'm back to the blog exactly 4 years after i wrote my first one. I sure don't want to make this an olympic event.
Happy Children's Day and World Diabetes Day again! I really don't know if any of my readers are kids anymore, but i sure hope they don't have diabetes.
Before writing this post, I was wondering if I should be introspective of the past or write about the future. I still have no idea what to write.
Listen to this while i think:
I have decided to list down my greatest achievements over the past 4 years. The list is not ranked in any order of preference.
- Learnt to use Microsoft Powerpoint effectively.
- Forgot how to code 'Hello World' using C or C++.
- Maintained my physique.
- Sang and danced in a musical wearing fur. ( Played 'Scar' in a stage adaptation of 'The Lion King' )
- Learnt to wash my clothes
- Found out by adding 'che' to every Hindi verb, you can talk in Gujarati
- Rediscovered the village of my ancestors ( Quite an emotional moment, that one!)
- Survived 3 months of the Delhi summer
- Won 5000 bucks for spewing nonsense ( I love MICANVAS ;))
- Watched Rajnikanth's 'Robot' twice
- Watched ' The Lord of the Rings' trilogy 8 times and 'Fight Club' 6 times in a span of one and a half years
- Made friends with a guy I saw on TV.. once.
- Discovered I made a list of 12, I mean 13, achievements now
Phew! Good eh?
If you think the achievements are worthy enough , lemme know! If you think otherwise, you can go die!
Until next time ( hopefully before 2012 when the world's gonna blow up or something ) , have a good time and keep counting your achievements!